Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wasted Week happened. I came down with something...and missed a whole lotta workin' out. VERY upsetting. When I lose my groove, I tend to get way off the beaten path and end up back in the thick of bad habits. Plus, it was my oldest daughter's birthday and there was cake, pizza, deviled eggs, BBQ name it, it was YUMMY.

And then comes the regret. It's not like I could have worked out with all the headaches and dizziness I was feeling. BUT...I didn't need to indulge in the goodies so much. Once again, I am reminded that I have ZERO willpower when it comes to that which tantalizes the tastebuds. *kicking myself*

It's Sunday night and I am feeling quite well. Ready, to take on the coming week!! I have BIG plans, people. BIG PLANS!!! I am going to follow the advice of a fellow 90-Day-Challengee and actually put my goals for this week up on the calendar so I can SEE them, and thus, ACCOMPLISH them. My calendar will keep me on track and make me accountable!

So tomorrow, I'm beginning my third attempt at a Shakeology cleanse (why wasn't the first cleanse this difficult??). Gotta power through. Gotta rev things back up. I lost my energy and enthusiasm while I was feeling ill. Gonna fake it 'til I make it!!

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