Wednesday, November 2, 2011


So, my friend and ZUMBA instructor has put out a 90 Day Challenge. Halloween was just a couple days ago, so the timing couldn't be more perfect. deployed husband is getting home in just over 90 days - can't say exactly when, of course - so the 90 challenge is ON!!!

I mark today as day one. Let's face it - there is always appeal to a clean slate, a new beginning, a fresh start, square one.....tabula rasa! All the high calorie sins of yesterday are swept away.

I'm starting with tiny goals, one day at a time. Today, my goals are: go to ZUMBA tonight (easy, because it's so fun and addicting), throw out remaining Halloween candy (done), have a chocolate Shakeology for lunch (yum!) and drink at least eight tall glasses of ice water throughout the day. Why ice water? Colder fluids leave your stomach quickly, therefore reaching the rest of your body faster. But the BIG plus to ice water is it helps you burn more calories. YES!! Your body has to work harder to warm that icy water up to body temperature.

So work your body, people!!! Get to it!!

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